The Temporal Rulers – A Spectrum of Power

I’ve always had a very superficial understanding of cards 2, 3, 4 and 5, in the tarot, otherwise known as the temporal rulers compised of the High Priestess (aka Papess), the Empress, the Emperor and the Hierophan (or Pope). Part of this confusion is that much of my early reading grouped cards one and two […]

Notes on Temperance

The structure of Temperance comes about from a quirk of the formatting: it was going to be very difficult to make a chibi angel stand near the bottom of the card with one foot in the water and one foot out. Also, I dislike drawing feet. Really dislike drawing feet. So that’s the first major […]


Good news! On Monday I ordered the first set of Chibi Tarot stickers from PSPrint. Now, some of you may remember that I held a small poll on Facebook to decide which sticker should be the first Chibi Tarot sticker and that Death won in that poll by one vote. There were two reasons that […]

My Vision for the Chibi Tarot

I had a fan (I have a fan!) email me this morning enquiring about possible release dates for the Chibi Tarot, based on this thread from I didn’t have a lot of good news, but at least I did have news, and I realized that perhaps a lot of you migh have similar […]

Temperance is live!

The Temperate angel is not one who shies away from passions or power, but who embraces it and who, most importantly, responds to every situation with the appropriate level of strength. Read More »

Chibi Chibi Con!

Thanks to the last minute notice from a new friend of mine, I was able to attend the Chibi Chibi Con this year. It’s without a doubt the closest con to my house, a scant few miles up the road to Evergreen State University. So last Saturday I packed up the family and we drove […]

New Tarot Books!

I ordered some new Tarot books from Fields Book Store last week and they arrived yesterday! The first pair that I ordered was the Robin Wood tarot deck and book. I’m not sure how I’d never noticed the deck before, but I was really drawn to Wood’s style. Her evocation of the tarot is, first, […]

The (Yamabushi) Hermit

Originally I’d intended my next card after the High Priestess to be the Lovers. I really enjoy the layout of that card, and I plan on having it echo both the Hierophant and the Devil, as it does in the Waite-Smith, with the triangular staging of the three figures. But when it came right down […]

The Mystery of the Magician

The Magician is a card with two distinct personalities. Before the early 20th century resurgence of interest in the occult the Magician existed humbly as Le Bateleur, which Wikipedia defines as ‘the Mountebank.’ A mountebank, for those of you less interested in 19th century jargon than I am, is simply a cheat. The Magician wasn’t […]

Ogre Battle: My Introduction to Tarot

The Super Nintendo game Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen was one of my first exposures to tarot. The game itself was incredibly fun, and though I was never able to finish the game (I’m WAY too much of a perfectionist to handle the seemingly random effects to my reputation that the game handed […]

Enrique Enriquez: Tarology

Most of you who are interested in tarot and actively reading in the tarot community will probably already have heard about this film that’s being made. I can’t remember where I read about it, but I know that Mary Greer posted it on her blog recently, and reminded me of it. Today I donated to […]

Notes on the Fool

The Fool was an exciting card to write about, but a difficult card to draw. The initial figure came easily enough: a cheery boy waving excitedly to a friend. He can’t see the danger coming, but we can. After that, though, it all fell apart. Should he have feet? None of the rest of them […]

Coming Monday: The Fool!

Hey All, Hope you’re having a great weekend. I’ve finished up The Fool today and will be posting it on Monday, so stay tuned. Until then, here’s a little sneak peek!

A Fool’s Errand

I wish I could tell you how I got the idea, but I can’t. This project didn’t start out as a project, just as a few sketches that then took on a life of their own. There was something really unique to me about combining the ageless archetypes of the tarot with the incredibly specific […]